Sunday 12 June 2011

Isla del Sol

The first step of our Bolivian mission is Isla del Sol in Titicaca lake, working with La Tropilla theatre, 
Ulises, Julian and Luciano, three actors that decides to perform across Latin America.They are Argentinian but theatrically adopted by Bolivia and Teatro De Los Andes.Their play is "The Cyclop", written by Cesar Brie, taken from the classical greek tragedy, but projected around nowday Bolivia. The island of the Cyclope, not anymore surrounded by the ancient waters of Mediterranean Sea,but situated up on the highest lake of the world.We're been guested by the family of Don Alfonso and his wife Alicia, part of the Aymara communityof Challapampa, which is the largest village of the island. The life of the island is slow, the mimical expressions of the donkey and the pig, sleeping next to each other, gives us the idea of how is a usual day here,where years and the months are divided by the seasons and the agricolture times.One day Don Alfonso wake up everyone around 4:30 am to look at the sun rising behind the mountains.Here the clouds are kissing the lake, it was surprising that one of the most magic island is situated in a lake.We follow the theatre company in a school and in the village, the reaction of the kids and the adults,for the first time audience of a theatre play is speachless, watching all the children running to the backstageto check what happend to the dying Cyclope.

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